within industry: A countermeasure to
some hard realities of implementing lean manufacturing Most of us who have been
involved in the implementation of
Lean Manufacturing have come up against the same hard reality somewhere
the way. Kaizen events have been
successful in achieving significant and convincing results, but the
improvements are difficult to sustain. Team
members from the shop floor were involved as well as supervisors and
but ownership is poor and follow-up just doesn’t seem to work. But these are not the real reasons for the difficulties in getting Lean to stick. The root cause of these roadblocks is the failure of management – and particularly senior level leaders – to understand Lean Manufacturing as a comprehensive approach to manufacturing and management. Lean is not simply a set of concepts, principles and techniques which can be implemented by command and control through a top down process. It is a fully integrated manufacturing and management philosophy and approach which has to be practiced throughout the organization. A genuine desire and commitment by leadership is not enough to succeed if they overlook how the management system itself must be changed in order to be consistent and integrated with the new principles and techniques being introduced. Lean
Manufacturing emphasizes a shop floor focus because all value-added
start on the shop floor, and this is the best place to begin
transforming the
management system. In a Lean
environment, it’s the job of management to support team members, and
team members appreciate management on the shop floor only when they can
that they are out there to help them do their jobs, not as part of a
command and
control structure bent on telling them what to do. So
this places the supervisor, or team leader,
in a pivotal position within the management system. To fulfill
this Lean role on the shop floor, a supervisor has five needs: knowledge of work and responsibilities, and
at instructing, improving methods, and leading people. Knowledge of Work is unique and it differs
from work
to work. In a production line, for
example, it would include what you know about materials, machines,
tools and
production processes. Even in a routine
job, it is important to increase this knowledge day by day. If we make a new product or change our
production methods, we need to acquire a new type of knowledge. A
supervisor needs to know well the work he or she is asking team members
perform. Knowledge of Responsibilities relates to the necessary
responsibilities and authority a supervisor holds. This
knowledge consists of company policies,
agreements, regulations, safety rules, production plans, sales plans,
interdepartmental relationships, etc. Each supervisor needs to understand
completely the responsibilities and authority given them. Skill in Instructing is an essential skill
that helps to
train team members so that they can quickly begin to work on their own.
Proper job instruction helps to
reduce the
number of defects, rejects and rework. It
helps to reduce the number of accidents and
the amount of equipment and tool damage. A
supervisor needs to establish standard work and ensure that each team
member is
able to perform standard work correctly. Skill in Improving
Methods enables supervisors to
utilize more
effectively the workforce, machines and materials that are now
available to
achieve greater production of good quality products. This
is based on breaking down work into small
parts so that the details can be examined. By
eliminating, combining and rearranging or
simplifying these details, improvements can be found. Each
supervisor needs to monitor the performance of standard work and as
change and problems are found, ensure that countermeasures are devised
and standard
work is redefined. Skill in Leading people allows
supervisors to have
good relationships among team members. Since
the result of a supervisor’s work
depends on the output of others, gaining cooperation is crucial. With a foundation of good relationships morale
is assured so that team members do what the supervisor needs done, at
the time
it needs to be done, and in the way it needs to be done because they
want to do
it. A
supervisor has the key role for gaining the participation and
involvement of
everyone in continuous improvement. These five
needs are nothing new. In fact, it’s
what good supervisors have always done well. But because they are basic
to the important and
complex role of supervisors, it is important to make sure that all
have this knowledge and these skills. Just
like common sense is not always
common practice, supervisors are often not well grounded in these
basics. The need
for knowledge of work and responsibilities is unique to each company
and their
circumstances, therefore, supervisors learn these locally. But the skills of instruction, improving
methods and leadership are the same no matter what the company or
industry. Many supervisors have learned
these skills through
the Training Within Industry program. What
Is TWI? TWI consists of three standardized
programs that cover essential
skills needed by all supervisors and team leaders, regardless of their
industry: Skill in Instruction, Skill
in Improving Methods, and Skill in Leading. Each of the courses is
structured in the same way—five two-hour sessions with 10-12 trainees,
supervisors and foremen. In the first session of each course, the
presents a real-world problem that everyone can easily relate to and
shows the
poor ways in which these problems are usually handled. Then, the TWI
Method”, one for each of the three programs, is given to show how
can handle such problems more effectively to gain better results. After
first session or two spent on learning methods, the remaining course
time is
given to actual and current problems brought in by each supervisor for
and solution using the TWI 4-Step Method. This “learning by doing”
forms the key to the TWI teaching method. TWI PROGRAM CONTENT Job
Instruction Training (JIT) teaches
supervisors proper workforce training
techniques. The objective of the course is to help supervisors develop
well-trained workforce: have less scrap, rework, and rejects; have
accidents; have less tool and equipment damage. The method emphasizes
the operator to learn, giving a proper demonstration while identifying
Important Steps and the Key Points of the job, having the operator
perform a
trial run, and tapering off coaching while continuing to follow up. Job
Methods Training (JMT) teaches
supervisors how to improve the way
jobs are done. The aim of the program is to help produce greater
quantities of
quality products in less time by making the best use of the manpower,
and materials now available. To do that, supervisors are taught to
break down
jobs into their constituent operations, to question each of these
details (why?
what? where? when? who? how?), to develop the new method by
combining, rearranging and simplifying these details, and to apply the
method selling it to everyone involved. Job
Relations Training (JRT) teaches
supervisors how to understand people
on all levels and deals with the leadership issues of motivation and
solving. The course emphasizes that people must be treated as
individuals and
gives supervisors foundations for developing and maintaining good
relations in
order to prevent problems from arising. However, when problems do
arise, it
teaches supervisors to get the facts, weigh and decide, take action,
and check
results with the key issue being whether the action helped production
PROGRAMS Each of the TWI courses
has been
designed to initiate a “multiplier effect” so that the program delivery
can be
taught to even non-training personnel who can then train the courses to
by using a standardized teaching method. In this way, organizations can
their own in-house trainers and present the courses whenever needed.
Last year in
TWI was reintroduced into
the THE
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The importance of TWI is
a key managerial lesson about how You can learn more about
the TWI program and the successes
companies are experiencing to get their Lean initiatives back on track
visiting the following web sites: www.lean-promotion.com Richard Abercrombie is the owner of Lean Promotion, an independent network of Lean Manufacturing professionals experienced in Toyota Production System implementation. In addition to assisting companies learn and implement Lean Manufacturing, Richard is part of a small but growing community of certified TWI trainers. He can be reached via e-mail at richard.abercrombie@lean-promotion.com.